Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Prague - Saturday crowds galore

Day 25 Sat. 1 Aug.

Suzannah and I went out looking for a new place for breakfast which took a bit of doing. I don't think the locals ever eat breakfast out, we had to walk to a more touristy section nearer to hotels and found a quiet little square that had a couple of restaurants with outside seats. The waitress said yes they had breakfast but when we looked at the menu, besides cheese omelet and ham and cheese omelet, everything else was lunch or dinner items.

We had a chance to take pictures of a lot of the details on the buildings as it was still fairly quiet.

We walked to the Old Town Squre and decided to look inside this church. It had this big chandelier and lots of painting all over the ceiling.

We then made our way over the Charles Bridge which has vendors all along it selling mostly inexpensive jewelry and pictures of the bridges and castle.

It was a mad house! It is the gateway of the castle district area. This guy was part of the tourist office.

After Suzannah left to move into her apt. I made my way up the hill to take another look at the cathedral and checked out the shops on the way.

The hill was quite steep, crowded with people and of course it was easily in the 90's so it was slow going. I finally made it to the top where there is guards posted at this entrance which seems rather intimidating in itself!

The crowds were so big and the line so long to get in the cathedral (we didn't know how lucky we were going the wrong way and seeing it the other night unintentionally). I decided to head back to the hostel and take a shower.

I was planning to meet Suzannah for a 5:30 bike tour of "Panoramic Prague". One the way back, fighting through the crowds, I saw at least 8 other bachelor party weekends. I guess it is quite cheap to come here. They can be recognized by the fact that they are traveling in packs and all have the same t-shirt as in these two parties.

The bike tour was great and though I saw several sights I had already seen it was nice to bike around and since we went way over to one side the uphill part was rather short and then it was more gradual along the top of the ridge and one the other side of the castle district we went through an orchard in a park. The views were great.

We got to watch the changing of the guards which was similar to Buckingham palace's routine.

I hadn't seen these statues before and apparently they are spelling out things that people have texted to a certain number. Notice the outline of the pool is in the shape of Czech Republic.

The last thing I had to do before leaving was take a picture of the Fred and Ginger house which was just down the street from my hostel and see the astronomical clock do its thing - little statues of the apostles go past these little doors that open and the rooster on top squacks. I was there at sunset and got this nice picture.

So that is Prague, now on to a short visit to Dresden and then my last stop - Berlin, which I don't expect to be beautiful but I do expect to have lots to see. I've uploaded a lot more pictures of Prague to my Facebook page. You can find it by searching my e-mail: and just request to be my friend.

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